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Blank LabelsCustom Labels

About OnlineLabels

The Idea

All great companies start out with an idea and a plan, and ours isn't any different. Over two decades ago our president and founder, Dave Carmany, was sitting at his desk in the customer service department of a large label manufacturer when it hit him, "What if customers were offered blank labels they could design and print themselves on the fly?" Of course, selling the idea didn't come easy, but Dave was persistent as any great entrepreneur would be. With a business plan, a little bit of funding and some sleepless nights to follow, Dave was off and running.

Group of employees looking through labels on warehouse shelves

The Growth

The right materials and his customers couldn't get enough of them. However, he knew in order to grow, his product selection had to as well. He had the demand, he just needed to broaden the supply. He quickly guided the company to add more new sizes, more materials and began offering items nobody else had. Today, OnlineLabels offers thousands of standard size and material configurations for blank sheeted labels, direct thermal and thermal transfer roll labels, as well as the ability to custom print labels!

Employee scanning an order of labels to prepare for shipping

The Service

Ask any great leader what the driving force behind their company is, and more often than not, their answer will be the same. Dave's isn't any different. "Our people," he says with a smile. "It's our customer service team, our shipping department, the web development and graphics guys, the marketing folks, and programmers that make OnlineLabels not only a great place to work, but a great organization to do business with." Empowered to make their own decisions, every person on staff at OnlineLabels shares the same vision, "Be the world leader in giving people the tools and solutions they need to create amazing labels." Oh, and have lots of fun doing it.

Group of employees in a meeting watching a slideshow presentation

The Future

Whether it's launching groundbreaking technology, like Maestro Label Designer, or building internal systems that allow for late-in-the-day orders to arrive at customers' doorsteps by 10am the next morning, or even opening up the customer service department on the weekends, OnlineLabels continues to do what others aren't, finding ways to do things differently…and better. "The most exciting part isn't necessarily watching our own growth, but rather the true measure of success is watching our customers' businesses grow, and simply knowing we were a part of that," Carmany adds. "And that we made it as easy as Click. Print. Stick. for them!"

A few of the company's awards sitting on a counter in the front lobby