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Home Ideas Mosaic Coffee Lab & Roastery, Peru Cajamarca Micro Lot

Mosaic Coffee Lab & Roastery, Peru Cajamarca Micro Lot - Label Ideas

by Mary F Mandell

Mosaic Coffee Lab & Roastery roasts single origin coffee in small batches and ships all orders within 24 hours of roasting. We roast our coffee in a LEED certified building on an American made coffee roaster. As a member of the coffee community, we make a donation from all sales to assist with curtailing seasonal hunger within coffee farming regions. This particular label features one of the newest additions to our collection and is a Micro Lot from the Cajamarca Region of Peru.

How was this label used?

Our labels include the coffee name, country of origin, roast level, grind level as well as tasting notes. We include our unique logo and country of origin map for easy identification. On the bottom of our coffee bags, we include our contact information such as e-mail address, website and the city and state in which the coffee is roasted.

Useful tips for this project

In an effort to find the perfect coffee label, we have tried many options and the Weatherproof Gloss for Inkjet has worked excellently! This material ensures that our labels stay in place (which is extremely important as our products are shipped and used daily by our customers) and the colors shine through vibrantly on this material.