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Home Ideas JBHomemade Sugaring and Skincare's Pink Rose Infused Aloe Vera

JBHomemade Sugaring and Skincare's Pink Rose Infused Aloe Vera - Label Ideas

by Jennifer Bueschel

JBHomemade offers natural skincare and the gentle hair removal method called sugaring. We use Nature’s Bounty to provide a natural skin care and health regimen. Our satisfied customers know that natural, organic skin care is a highly effective and safer alternative to the chemicals in many products of today.​ Rose Infused aloe provides you with the healing powers of pure garden aloe and the conditioning and anti-aging properties of the beloved rose.

How was this label used?

We print our logo, product names, website address and contact information on the front label sheets. Our detailed list of ingredients are printed on the back smaller label. Aside from the actual image itself, the labels are the first impression to our products when a customer is browsing our shop whether on Etsy or my website.

Useful tips for this project

The same size labels fit and are perfect for the lids on mason jars (other products in my shop are packaged in masons) and for labeling my 4 oz and 8 oz amber and cobalt blue bottles. This helps tremendously with my bottom line/cost of goods sold. The smaller round labels are used on most of my 140+ products for detailed ingredients and instructions for use - again helping tremendously with my bottom line/cost of goods sold. I can't even tell you how many times I have recommended Online Labels to other Etsy shop owners in facebook groups. Many new shop owners ask - 'what do you use' or 'how do you keep your costs down'. I always explain how Online Labels helped me!