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Home Ideas Yooper themed soy candles

Yooper themed soy candles - Label Ideas

by Kathleen Latsch

I make Yooper themed soy candles. A "Yooper" is someone who lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Yoopers have a unique lifestyle and dialect which I embraced and have incorporated into my labels.

How was this label used?

I chose brown kraft labels to reflect the natural beauty of Michigan's Upper Peninsula (the U.P.). I get so many compliments on the labels and overall theme/branding of my candles. I use the 2.75" round brown kraft label on the lid, the 4"x1" rectangle label on the side of the tin and the 2" round on the bottom of the tin for the safety label..

Useful tips for this project

The most challenging label to place on the curved surface of the tin was the 4"x1" rectangle. I learned from a graphic designer to place the tin in me lap and then put the label on which worked great!