Lowest Price Guarantee
We are proud to offer some of the lowest label prices on the internet — guaranteed! If you find a lower price on an item similar to one of our standard products, we'll beat that competitor's price by 10%.
How it works:
We are able to offer factory-direct pricing on all of our blank label products. If you happen to find a competitor with a lower price on an item that is similar to one of our standard, in-stock products,
contact us and we will beat that price. This offer is available for quantities up to 1000 sheets or 24 rolls. In the rare event that we are unable to meet the request, we'll give you a reward code good toward a discount on your next order.
What qualifies:
All of our standard blank label sheet and roll products qualify for our Lowest Price Guarantee. Our lowest price guarantee excludes all custom-produced items (i.e. custom labels, custom sizes).