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Home Software Reviews Label Factory Deluxe®
Label Factory Deluxe®
1.89 / 5.0 from 57 users
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Label Factory Deluxe® Label Software Review

Nova Development®

From Nova Development®: Forget about the old-fashioned way of making labels. Art Explosion® Label Factory® Deluxe is far easier to use than other label making solutions. Why? Because Label Factory Deluxe uses wizards to assist you in making even the most complex labels in just minutes. Simply stated, Label Factory Deluxe is the fastest, easiest way to create professional-quality labels.

But behind its simplicity lies a powerful application with the most sophisticated set of features available today in any label-making program. Features like more than 1,500 label formats and templates, 50,000+ spectacular clip art images, bar code formats, an integrated database manager and address book, and much more. You can even import data. The built-in address book lets you create personalized labels in minutes.

  • 1,500+ Label Formats and Templates
  • 50,000+ Clip Art Images
  • 600+ Fonts
  • FREE CD/DVD Labeling Kit with Applicator (for Boxed Version Only)

User Reviews

By Tom on May 17, 2022
A complete SCAM. Does not run with Windows 11 and there is ZERO support
By Louis Léveillé on March 26, 2022
The program was fantastic with Windows XP and Vista but it does not work with Windows 10. I had to keep and old desk top because I did not want to lose all the labels I created. No customer support and I paid twice for it thinking they would have fixed the problem.
By Zbylo on April 23, 2021
The seller did not inform on the website that this program will not work in Win10.
By Gus Porter on May 11, 2020
Zero Stars. Here it is May 2020 and nothing has changed on the LabelFactory4 Deluxe scene. It still after all this time and many MS updates, will still not run on Windows 10 Pro. I have tried everything in my powers to resurrect this piece of junk and get it to even so much as load. It will not and I have heard absolutely zip from the company about any fixes or new versions coming down the pipe. There is zero support and obviously no movement by Nova to fix this software or to even communicate with the users who have in all honesty submitted reviews . I think they owe us oure money back and or a new version that will actually work with Windows 10. I know that I will not buy software with this companies name on it any longer as I believe they are likely defunct.
By Gus Porter on December 15, 2019
I bought Label Factory 4 Deluxe about two and a half months ago. After installation it worked fine up until the next Microsoft Windows update cam in. Then it quit working altogether. If I rolled back the updates then the program would work once again. I believe it might be an easy problem to solve for a programmer. I wrote the company and relayed my problem and was told that the work around for now was to remove the updates and that the developers were working on a permanent solution to this problem. I wrote back once again about a month afterward and got the same "canned" answer form . It is now almost Christmas and nothing has been forthcoming from these people. Makes one wonder if they indeed have a support team or are winging it all the way. I must say that this absolutely the worst support i have ever witnessed by what is supposed to be a reputable company. I would really like some hard and fast answers or else give me my money back because this software is useless as it now stands. By the way, I'm running Windows 10 pro. If you can't make your software run on windows don't try to market it. How's about some ansers Nova Dev.
By John on September 21, 2019
Won't run on Win 10. and it WON'T UNINSTALL. Beware. Awful tech support.
By JWebb on December 27, 2018
I really wish I hadn't bought Label Factory. I put hours and hours into rebuilding product labels after Print Artist crashed and was no longer supported. I didn't realize they were made by the same company! Now after only using Label Factory for a year, its running so slow (they blame it on lack of ram, but thats not it) that I can no longer use it and Im looking at putting countless hours into switching over to another label making program! It may be fine for the occasional household use, but for sure dont use it for business use! Constantly crashes, prints offside, they never fix a thing, just pass on the blame. BOO!! DO NOT BUY!!
By Bolivar on December 11, 2018
save your money and a great deal of frustration - junk
additional down loads don't load and can not be cleared, looking at others and what they say about your system you have some work to do before market. returning to stapples.
By Dillo on February 8, 2018
Label Factory 4 is a piece of junk. wished I didn't it

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