We recommend adding extra length to your canvas dimensions to account for the bleed and safe margins. This ensures there won’t be a white border around your design once printed. To do this, go to "Create a design" > "Custom size," and enter your dimensions. For custom printed sheets, add a bleed of 0.125" (0.3175 cm or 12 px) on all sides, making sure there's a safe margin of 0.125" between the design elements and the edge of the label. This will result in 0.25" increase to both the height and width of your custom size. For custom printed rolls, add a bleed of 0.0625" (0.15875 cm or 6 px) to all sides, also allowing for a 0.0625" safe margin, to increase the width and height by 0.125".
Once you’re finished designing, save the file as a PDF Print. When submitting your artwork to us, let us know the finished label size (dimension of your label not including the bleed area). If you’ve already created your canvas and completed your design, you will need Canva Pro to resize your canvas. If you don’t have Canva Pro, try this secondary method:
Turn your margins on by going to "File" > "Show margins." This is your safety area so make sure all of your text and important elements are within this line. Next, add a bleed by going to "File" > "Show print bleed." Save as a PDF print and check the box for "Crop marks and bleed," then download and submit to us.