Rather than issue exchanges, we offer a money back guarantee on all of our products. We will issue a credit for any returned product and bill for any new product being shipped out.
At your convenience, place a new order for your desired product. You'll be billed for the new product and credited for the returned product when it arrives back at our facility. These will be handled as separate transactions.
Yes, many times we can change or cancel an order as long as the package hasn't shipped. You can check the status of your order using our order tracking page.
If your order has not yet shipped, please call us at 1-888-575-2235 or submit a ticket to change or cancel your order. You can also cancel your order online - click "Learn More" below for additional information.
If your order has already shipped, you can initiate a return and, if desired, place a new order for your preferred product. You'll be billed for the new product and credited for the returned product when it arrives back at our facility.
If you realize that your shipment is being sent to an incorrect address, please call customer service at 1-888-575-2235.
If the order hasn't yet shipped, we can update the shipping information on file. If it has already been picked up by the shipping carrier, we may be able to relay the updated address. However, an additional fee may apply.
If you have any outstanding charges, a black warning bar will display at the top of your "My Account" section.
To pay online, click the orange "Pay Open Invoice(s)" button. Proceed through the prompts and click "Pay Invoices" to submit your payment. You can also pay over the phone by calling us at 1-888-575-2235. Please have your invoice number and credit card information readily available.
You can enter a reward code in two places during the checkout process. The first occurrence of the reward code entry box appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the "My Shopping Cart" page. It’s located above the orange "Checkout" button. The second time you can enter a reward code is on the final page of the checkout process. In the top right-hand corner of the confirmation page, select "Do you have a Reward Code?" A textbox will drop down and you’ll be able to apply your reward.
COD (cash on delivery) is not an available option at this time. We recommend "check over the phone" as a payment alternative to COD. If you would like to set up an order using this option, please call us at 1-888-575-2235.
Yes. To pay online using PayPal, select "PayPal" as the method of payment during the checkout process.
You can also pay via PayPal over the phone by calling 1-888-575-2235. Once your order is placed with our customer service team, we'll contact you via email requesting payment.
No. Our customer service team is happy to take your order over the phone at 1-888-575-2235. Our customer service hours are 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET Monday-Friday and 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET on Saturday. We are closed on Sunday.
Yes, with an established Net 30 Terms account. You can apply online or download the application to begin the process. Once approved, you can submit your purchase order(s) via email. Please make sure to include a "bill to" and "ship to" address, contact name, phone number, fax number, and email address. We will not process your purchase order without those fields.
Yes. To streamline the process, all interested businesses, non-profits, educational institutions, and government agencies must apply using our Net 30 Terms application.
In order to qualify, we require a completed Net 30 Credit Application as well as detailed corporate information. You can apply online or download an application and submit it via fax, email, or mail. The credit application process can take up to 3-5 business days and we do not guarantee approval. You must have established credit with vendors and good credit ratings. Below is our information:
Online Labels, LLC.
2021 E. Lake Mary Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773
Fax: 1-866-406-7341
EIN: 59-3612776
To change your Net 30 invoice method, log in to "My Account" and select "Business Account Options" under "Account Settings." Choose an invoice method and click "Save Changes" to apply your updates.
We don't offer any special reseller or distributor pricing or incentives in an effort to provide product to end users at the lowest possible price. If you're a high-volume reseller (spending more than $20,000/year on labels), please feel free to call 1-888-575-2235 to discuss large quantity orders and any additional services we can provide.
If you find a similar product advertised at a lower price and sold in quantities of 1,000 sheets or less, let us know and we'll beat it by 10%. Fill out a support ticket with a link to the advertised product or call customer service at 1-888-575-2235 with the item description, seller information, and product pricing on-hand.
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discount. You can also click the reward code above to copy it to your clipboard and paste during checkout.