Your individual shipping cost can be previewed in your shopping cart. The total will be calculated based on the specific product(s) and quantity you're ordering.
Yes. In most cases, we ship with FedEx or USPS. To estimate pricing and view a list of our international destinations, add the desired items to your cart. On the View Cart page, enter your zip code and country then hit "Calculate Shipping."
Over 96% of orders placed for in-stock items before 5 p.m. ET are shipped out the same day. You can find the availability of your desired product in the yellow selection bar once a material and quantity are chosen in Step 2 on any product page, as well as in your shopping cart under "Availability."
If your order is placed between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday and is in-stock, you may be presented with the option to select "Priority Processing" during online checkout. For an additional fee of $4.95 per 1,000 sheets, this will guarantee your order ships same-day. You can also speak with a customer service representative at 1-888-575-2235 to add this designation to your order.
If you selected an out-of-stock item, production times may vary. Orders of sheet labels (both letter and large format sizes) will be shipped within 1-3 business days. Integrated forms will ship within 7-10 business days and out-of-stock rolls will ship within 5-7 business days.
Once picked up from our facility, delivery time is dependent on the shipping carrier and method selected during checkout. If your order has already shipped, follow its progress using our order tracking tool.
If you're looking to place an order, you can calculate shipping costs and view the transit time options using the "Estimate Shipping" link in your shopping cart. Add your desired products and quantity for accuracy.
If you require special shipping arrangements, please contact customer service at 1-888-575-2235 or submit a support ticket.
In most cases, yes, we can ship overnight for a Saturday delivery. This option is only available from 5:00 p.m. ET Thursday until 5:00 p.m. ET Friday. You will be able to select this option when ordering online or over the phone within that time frame. Please note that there is an additional charge for this service.
Absolutely. You can use our order tracking tool to check the status of your order and follow its progress, or log into "My Account" and click the "Track Order" button your desired shipment.
We make every effort to ensure our labels arrive in pristine condition. That's why we have a variety of packaging options designed to protect the integrity of your label sheets and rolls during shipping and handling.
For orders less than 100 sheets, your labels are packaged with chipboard in an envelope. For orders more than 100 sheets, your labels will arrive in a clamshell package. For orders of roll labels, the rolls are shrink wrapped and then boxed.
If you realize that your shipment is being sent to an incorrect address, please call customer service at 1-888-575-2235.
If the order hasn't yet shipped, we can update the shipping information on file. If it has already been picked up by the shipping carrier, we may be able to relay the updated address. However, an additional fee may apply.
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