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Free Nutrition Label Generator

Selling a food and beverage product? Create custom nutrition labels today.
Select your desired format, input the nutrition facts for your product, and print on our blank nutrition labels. Explore our other easy-to-use business tools.
Home Business Tools Nutrition Label Generator
Notice: The previous version of the nutrition label generator (Original) is no longer supported. Labels previously generated can still be accessed but will not be editable. New nutrition labels will use the New (2016) format recognized by the FDA. Learn more about the changes to the nutrition fact label format.

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Step 1. Choose a Nutrition Label Format

Create nutrition fact labels for your food products and ensure FDA compliance. If you're a food manufacturer, this tool is the perfect companion to help create accurate food labels. Display your food product's serving size and nutrition facts. This is just one of our tools for creating labels along with our barcode label generator and QR code generator .