Here's what people are saying
Response by OnlineLabels Verified Responseon December 13, 2021We don't currently offer black labels since most printers aren't able to print white. However, we're always looking for new products to better serve our customers and will be happy to forward your req... ... Read More
Our CAS-compatible direct thermal scale labels are expert-tested and designed to give you the best printing results. Their high-quality, paper-based facestock will help reduce the frequency of jamming during printing, as well as wear-and-tear on your machine’s print-head. In addition, the pressure-sensitive, permanent adhesive will hold up in standard home refrigerators as well as industrial-grade freezers.
All of the labels above follow the specifications provided by CAS. We offer both blank labels and pre-printed options to suit your needs. Purchase them in any quantity, without minimum order requirements.
Online Labels, Inc. does not sell CAS® brand labels. CAS® and all other CAS® brand product names and SKU trademarks are trademarks of CAS® corporation. CAS® Corporation does not sponsor or endorse any product made or sold by Online Labels, Inc.